

The buildings concerned by this operation are located on the old Thiers city wall, created in 1841-1844. This military device was rendered completely obsolete by the advancements of artillery after 1870 and was progressively abandoned. The buffer zones were occupied by wild constructions.
In 1919, it became possible to build HBM housing (low income) in lieu of the city wall.
There were debates at the time, concerning the preservation of this green strip at the Paris gates. The urban forms created as the occupation progressed have evolved in their shape (light, cutting of the plots) and in their density. The operation takes place on the site of the 13th bastion, which gives the project its name in old documents.

Redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Davout Felix Terrier real estate ensemble and its surroundings, for compliance with the Climate Plan. (728 apartments – 39 circulation circulation cores)
1 à 13 rue Félix Terrier, 96 à 110 boulevard Davout, 6 et 6 bis rue Harpignie Paris (75020)
h2o architectes (lead architect) with D&H (landscape), Otéis (engineers)
Paris Habitat OPH
Accord-cadre loi MOP
Occupied site
Under study